Welcome to my client page! Here you will be able to download any and all your photos straight to your computer! Once downloaded they can be sent off to be printed!

WARNING: Please refrain from cropping or using screen shot images from the site. Your photos are available for download ONLY and will devalue the image and MY image. I will delete any images that are used as screen shots or cropped! Respect the images and use them at their full size! If you need different cropping please let me know!

To download images individually hover over the top left of the picture and hit the "download original size" button.

For multiple or all photos you will click the top right hand of the screen "select photos" then you will click " select all photos" on the left hand side of the screen. Once they are all selected-click download and you will be all set!

You can move the pictures from your "downloads" folder to anywhere you would like on your computer( Your desktop, "pictures" folder etc.)
If you download all of the images at once you will get a "zip" file that is placed in your downloads folder. All you have to do to "unzip" the zip file is double click the folder and it will expand all of the files to create a picture folder!
email/contact em for any other questions